The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 5951 of Bossier City consists of approximately 900
Combat Veterans and the Ladies Auxiliary. Our members are men and women who have walked
the walk of freedom. Our objective is to help our fellow man through charitable contributions
which keep us young and vibrant.
This year we are once again conducting our annual Charitable Golf Tournament. This nonprofit
event is one of our venues to raise monies for local charities. Our 2015 tournament allowed us to
donate more than $2,000.00 to local charities. Our hope is that through events such as this, more
people who are less fortunate than we are may have a better life.
This 4-person scramble is $55 per person and mulligans can also be purchased. It is an 8:00am shotgun start. Click Here for entry form.
This fun time is open to all sponsors. Our next charity tournament is scheduled for September 5,
2015 with a 8:00 A.M. shotgun start at Fox Run Golf Course on Barksdale AFB. This is a great
opportunity for your organization to be highlighted in the local area as well as throughout the
state. We afford our sponsors maximum exposure, not only to our members throughout the state,
but also to the local communities through media coverage as well as on-course recognition.
We hope to expand our donations locally through your generosity. The offerings are as listed:
Platinum $500.00 donation affords the sponsor:
Hole sponsorship / Sign with your company/organization name
4-player exemption
Recognition in VFW Newsletter
Individual pictures with sign
Gold $300.00 donation affords the sponsor:
Hole sponsorship with Sign
3-player exemption
Recognition in VFW Newsletter
Group picture with on-course sign
Bronze $200.00 donation affords the sponsor:
Shared hole sponsor sign
2-player exemption
Recognition in VFW Newsletter
Any and all donations are appreciated. We are also looking for items to auction, items to be used
as door prizes and items to be included in our ditty bags.
If there are any questions, please feel free to contact Joe Smith or Ron Barnard at your convenience
at 746-7611 or 746-7612.