During the State Amateur Championship, one of my matches was against Pam Washington, a really nice lady from down in the New Orleans area. During our round, Pam shared a "cool" tip that I want to pass on to you.

I know that many of you have not heard of "Florida water", because when I mention it to most ladies, they are puzzled. I'm not sure exactly what it is either, except that it makes cold water even colder. In the past, I've always added Florida Water to my little ice chest with a little water. During the round, I soak a cloth in the water and wipe my face, neck and arms to get instantly "energized" by being SOOOO cooled off. By the time I dunk the cloth in the water a few times, it gets pretty raunchy-looking and you sure wouldn't want to share any of this wonderful stuff with anyone else.
Pam came up with a great solution. Here's how I did mine, based on her idea. Here's what you need to purchase: unscented Huggies wipes (I bought the heavy duty ones); Ziploc sandwich bags; and Florida water, which can be purchased at most drug stores and probably at many sporting goods stores under various brand names.

I mixed one cup of water with a teaspoon of Florida water. Place one wipe in a sandwich bag and pour in about 1/8 cup of the water mixture. Seal the bag, getting the excess air out of it. This mixture did nine bags. Place the bags in the freezer. When you leave for the golf course, place the bags in your ice chest.
As you need to cool off, remove one bag and use the disposable wipe to wipe your face and neck. Ahhhh. How refreshing! And now you can share your "coolness" with your cart buddy. Thanks, Pam.