What a great tournament! The new format was a great hit with the 92 ladies that participated in this year's event at Southern Trace Country Club. Although the weather was a bit hot, the spirits were really cool, baby!

We were greeted the first day by the sight of a beautiful 1957? Thunderbird convertible. Wow, does that bring back memories? Every team was treated with a picture taken in front of the car. And speaking of treats: the tee gift for every lady was a pair of Callaway golf shoes....with a selection of style/color. How neat is that?

The practice round day was fun in itself from beginning to end. Lunch was provided at the turn, before or after your round. What could be easier? About 4:30pm the sound of the fifties filled the air with a live DJ spinning the records. Hula hoops to try our skills and a really neat putting contest. The Southern Trace crew spent a lot of time setting up a challenging six-hole putting course and each team had an opportunity to post the lowest score by alternating shots. First place went to the team of Betty Moore and Jeanette Guilliams with a low score of 11 putts! Great job. There was a tie for second place.

We were again treated with great food and drink during the party and Mary Coker did a trial run in the new pool. I think this was an unplanned event but was great fun.

Tournament day got to be a bit more serious with a 9-hole best ball shamble on the front nine and a scramble on the back nine. Overall low gross winners were Lillian Granger and Lisa Russell with their great score of 68, while overall low net went to Suzanne Tinsley and Marianne Leslie with a nice 62. Congratulations to everyone! The awards luncheon was a great steak with all the trimmings, while the awards were very generous Callaway Gift Cards. What a great tournament! Did I say that already? Can't wait till next year!