The Louisiana Womens Golf Association held it’s 84th annual Match Play Championship at Beau Chene Country Club in Mandeville June 2-6. This year’s field was small with only sixty-four ladies participating, perhaps because it was earlier in the summer when kids were just starting vacations? In any event, it was a beautiful venue, with towering oaks adorned with lazy, weeping Spanish moss overhanging water hazards and making a lovely backdrop for the countless bunkers strategically located on the course.

Sixteen ladies played in the Championship Flight and the final matches pitted Heather Lott against against Julie Harrison, both of Baton Rouge. After 18 holes, it was Heather who prevailed, winning her first LWGA Amateur title after being in the final match three times. Harrison, the 2004 LWGA Champion, has been finalist six times and is the reigning LWGA Senior Champion.
Thirteen-year-old Anna Heine of Baton Rouge won Championship Consolation in 23 holes over Pam Fossett of Lake Charles.
Only six of our own Shreveport area ladies participated in the event this year, but four of the six made it to the final matches, and three of the four were finalist winners. Mary Jo Gray (WGAS) won first place in the Third Flight, Martha Lawhorne (BWGA) won second place in the Sixth Flight, and Debbie Magee (WGAS) won first place in the Fourth Flight Consolation Flight. Kathleen McCoy (BWGA) lost the final match in the Fifth Flight Consolation Flight. Teri McGuire (WGAS) and Donna Cobb (BWGA) didn’t make it to the finals, but put on a great fight against good players, tough course, and extremely hot weather conditions. Congratulations to everyone!