The overall low gross score of the day was a really nice 81 by regular senior Daneita Adams (BWGA), helped by her two birdie holes. Good golf Daneita! Overall low net in that division was a tie of 70 by Nancy Young (BWGA) and Vickie Cella (NLGA). Low putts was 35 by Cathy Buckley (BWGA).
Overall low gross in the super senior division was an 88 by Joyce Middleton (ERLCA) while low net was a 69 by Gayle Gansfuss (NLGA). Low putts was an amazing 28 by Jan Crowe (BWGA). Congratulations ladies!
Thanks to those who contributed to the Woody’s Home for Vets charity, including $20 cash from those who forgot their “goods”. It will be well used I’m sure.
Our next SSWGA Playday isn’t until July 9th at Northwood Hills. You’ll get a reminder before then.