Golfing Events
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Monday, April 27, 2009
Wellness Program
Write down the words ILLNESS and WELLNESS. Now, circle the part of each word that is different from the other word. Instantly, you can see (I)llness and (WE)llness.
Think about it. We really NEED other people in our lives…not just to prevent a room from being empty, but also to enhance and improve our own well being. When we feel that we are a part of a healthy, vital group of family and/or friends, we can’t help being energized by the same energy that abounds around us….if we allow it to happen.
The very day I heard this broadcast, I reflected on how many elderly ladies I know who seem to be thirty years younger than they really are. I think it’s their Wellness groups. They are actively involved with other people.
If I try to face things alone, without venting or sharing with others, then I begin to whither and become ill….maybe not physically, but mentally for sure. I went through about seven or eight years of that kind of people-isolation in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, resulting in cancer that was at Stage 4 in 1995. They said I had only 5-7 years to live. It was a wake up call.
I have been so blessed in the last 10+ years by my adopted family, my bowling family, and most assuredly, my golfing family. My physical wellness is perhaps a bit shaky, although lots better than many, many others, but my mental wellness is strong and tremendously happy because of many of you that will be reading this.
Please forgive me for preaching, but I needed to share this concept with you and I wanted to thank you for being part of my “WEllness” program. Kathleen
Friday, April 24, 2009
Senior Olympics Golf
First the bad news: There were only seven ladies who participated in the event, but that's about four better than last year.

In the 70-74 age group, Marge Snyder got the gold medal shooting a fantastic 83, and Barbara Offer took home the silver.
In the 60-64 age group, Susan Berry took gold, Kathleen McCoy got the silver, and Bobbie Almond won the bronze metal.
Three of the seven ladies qualified for the State Senior Olympics event to be held in the Baton Rouge area in October: Marge Snyder, Susan Berry, and Kathleen McCoy.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Because the winners will be participating in a rather lavish golf tournament in Florida, it is important that the scoring is ACCURATE; therefore, there is a need for at least 20 to 24 tournament “scorers”. A scorer will walk with a foursome to keep score and tally the drives used. This is necessary since the rules require that each golfer’s drive is used a specific number of times during the round.
If walking is a problem and it is known in advance, a private cart can be secured, or one scorer can walk just 9 holes while another walks the remaining 9. Most of the time, the team will invite the scorer to ride and/or there is a player that likes to walk, allowing a spot for the scorer to ride.
It will be a long day for the volunteers, starting at 11:30am with a meeting and lunch, followed by the shotgun start at 1:00pm. Even the meeting and lunch is flexible however.
As a thank you for the volunteers, Southern Trace is giving a free round of golf to each scorer as well as lunch, award ceremony banquet, and beverages on the course. Scorers can also participate in the raffles and silent auctions. Keep in mind that your spouses can also volunteer.
If you are interested or need more information, contact Mary Coker at 798-6261 or email her at by June 8th.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Nikki Patterson Invitational
The 4-lady scramble format will be flighted by handicap index, with a maximum of 15 strokes between lowest and highest handicaps. There is an individual player handicap limit of 36 and players 73 and over with a handicap index of 28 or higher may choose to hit from the senior tees.
The $320 per team entry fee includes the practice round (but not the cart), continental breakfast on tournament day, and the awards luncheon.
Tee times for the practice round can be scheduled by calling the Pro Shop after June 17th at (318) 747-2004.
On tournament day, registration and breakfast starts at 7:30am, with a shotgun start to follow at 9:00am.
If you would like an application, please contact Linda Heins at (318) 742-8913 or Mary Jo Gray at (318) 742-4554.
In addition, if you don't have a full team and would like help filling a team, let Linda or Mary Jo know, and more than likely, a team can be found for you.
Let's make Nikki's tournament a LARGE success!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wine & Roses Tournament

Of those, we had one set of winners. Donna Cobb and Kathleen McCoy (that would be me) won first place in our flight with a score of 76. We were ecstatic to win. It would have been wonderful fun, even without the win, but that Dillards Gift Card made it even better.
If you've never been to one of the Wine & Roses tournaments, you've missed alot of good entertainment, wine, and good food. At the awards luncheon, there are all sorts of homemade cakes that everyone gets to sample, not to mention the wine, which everyone gets as a gift. Check out some of these cakes:

SSWGA Crooked Hollow Playday
SSWGA Playday Change
Friday, April 10, 2009
Fox Run Golf Course Closed
Since Thursday was to be our SWGA playday at Fox Run, it has been cancelled. The Barksdale Golf Course was badly damaged by storms last night causing 50 trees to be uprooted and damaged.
According to our Events Chairman Donna Phillips, it has been decided to play our scheduled playdays as they stand now and reschedule our playday at Barksdale Golf Course at a future date.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
LGA State Senior Championship
Championship Flight: Mary Jo Gray, 1st Low Net; Second Flight: Donna Cobb, 2nd Low Gross; Third Flight: Kathleen McCoy, 1st Low Gross and Charlotte Calhoun, 2nd Low Gross; Fourth Flight: Martha Lawhorne, 2nd Low Gross.
The course at Oakwing was in great shape, with lightning fast greens and lots of newly renovated sand traps (that I got to look at up close and personal). The personnel were extremely helpful and the food was great. Can't wait till next year!!!!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Senior Olympics
Rules Seminar

2020 SWGA playdays
- If you miss ONE required event, it can be replaced by ONE day of play in Team Matches
- March 17: Scramble at East Ridge CC, 9:00am
- April 16: Playday at Bomber Bayou GC, 9:00am
- May 19: Playday at Stonebridge, 9:00am
- June 9: Playday at Northwood, 9:00am
- July 2: Playday at Southern Trace CC, 9:00am
- *July 16: Team Matches (Day 1), East Ridge CC, 8:00am
- *July 21: Team Matches (Day 2), East Ridge CC, 8:00am
- Sept 21-22: SWGA Championship, Huntington Park GC, 9:00am
- *November 10: SWGA/SSWGA Turkey Scramble, Crooked Hollow GC, 9:00am
- *December 8: SWGA/SSWGA Jingle Bell Scramble, Northwood, 10:00am, Bring a Toy
2020 SSWGA Events
- Dates marked with (*) do not count toward 100% participation
- March 31: Stonebridge Scramble, 9:00am
- April 7: Playday at Southern Trace CC, 9:00am
- May 26: Playday at Northwood, 9:00am
- June 16 : Playday at East Ridge CC, 9:00am
- July 14: Playday at Bomber Bayou, 9:00am
- October 13 and 15: SSWGA Championship, Crooked Hollow GC, 9:00am
- *November 10: SSWGA/SWGA Turkey Scramble/annual meeting for SSWGA, Crooked Hollow GC, 9:00am
- *December 8: Jingle Belle Scramble, Northwood Hills GC, 10:00am, bring unwrapped toy
2020 Local Tournaments
- May 5-6: Southern Belle Ladies Tourney, Southern Trace CC, Shreveport, LA
- May 13-14: The Tradition Ladies Tourney, Stonebridge GC, Bossier City, LA
- June 6-7: Stonebridge Couples, Stonebridge GC, Bossier City, LA
- June 26-28: Bonnie & Clyde Couples, Northwood Hills, Blanchard, LA
- October 21-22: Roadrunner at East Ridge CC, Shreveport, LA
2020 State/Southern Events
- April 18-19: Womens' Four Ball, Atchafalaya at Idlewild, Patterson, LA
- May 7-8: Womens' Mid-Am Championship, Koasati Pines GC, Kinder, LA
- June 21-24: Womens' Match Play Championship, Tchefuncta CC, Covington, LA
- August 22-23: Womens' NET Championship, Greystone CC, Denham Springs, LA
- Oct 8-9: Womens' Senior Championship, Southern Trace CC, Shreveport, LA
- Oct 26-29: Southern Senior Championship, West Point, MS
Other 2020 NON-LOCAL Golfing Events
- April 23: Lady Calvert Tourney, Calhoun, LA
- May 28-30: Couples Invitational, Hot Springs Village, AR
- July 23-24: Ladies Invitational, Hot Springs Village, AR
- Aug 5: Diamonds in the Rough, Hollytree CC, Tyler, TX
- Sept 15-17: Twice as Nice, Texarkana CC, Texarkana, AR
- 2019 State/Southern Events
- Oct 2-3: Texarkana Couples Tourney, Texarkana CC, Texarkana, AR
- Oct 10-11: Dudes 'n Darlings Couples Tourney, Hollytree CC, Tyler, TX
- Nov 12-14: LaDiDa 4-Lady Tourney, Crown Colony CC, Lufkin, TX