Because the winners will be participating in a rather lavish golf tournament in Florida, it is important that the scoring is ACCURATE; therefore, there is a need for at least 20 to 24 tournament “scorers”. A scorer will walk with a foursome to keep score and tally the drives used. This is necessary since the rules require that each golfer’s drive is used a specific number of times during the round.
If walking is a problem and it is known in advance, a private cart can be secured, or one scorer can walk just 9 holes while another walks the remaining 9. Most of the time, the team will invite the scorer to ride and/or there is a player that likes to walk, allowing a spot for the scorer to ride.
It will be a long day for the volunteers, starting at 11:30am with a meeting and lunch, followed by the shotgun start at 1:00pm. Even the meeting and lunch is flexible however.
As a thank you for the volunteers, Southern Trace is giving a free round of golf to each scorer as well as lunch, award ceremony banquet, and beverages on the course. Scorers can also participate in the raffles and silent auctions. Keep in mind that your spouses can also volunteer.
If you are interested or need more information, contact Mary Coker at 798-6261 or email her at meifu8@aol.com by June 8th.