Shreveport Women’s Golf Association celebrated eighty-seven years with its annual meeting and awards luncheon on January 10 at East Ridge CC. Yes, I said 87 YEARS! What an organization! And although membership numbers are falling through the years due to working women, the enthusiasm is still just as prevalent. Forty-seven ladies (and one gentleman) attended this year and enjoyed the fun, fellowship, food, and recognition of accomplishments.
President Brenda Graves lead the group of officers for 2019 and handed the “virtual” gavel over to 2020 President Moise Allen of Southern Trace. Other officers for the new year will be:
1st Vice President: Daneita Adams, BWGA
2nd Vice President: Phyllis Ryan, ERLGA
Secretary: Jane Smith, WGAS
Treasurer: Jill Litton, NLGA
Events Chairman: Gayle Gansfuss, BLGA
At the beginning of her term as President, Brenda introduced the idea of supporting ONE charity throughout the year. Her choice was Woody’s Home for Vets, founded by Dr. Ronald Key for vets in need of continued psychiatric care. We started the year by donating food items and generic clothing for the veterans. It was very successful, but often ladies would forget their “stuff”, so they gave cash. The cash idea caught on and we started collecting cash.
At the meeting, Dr. Key was presented $1710, combined with what we had already donated, for a total of $2103. Thank you to all who donated so generously all year, with money and birthday/Christmas cards. We hope you will continue to remember these vets into 2020 even though we have adopted a new charity for this year: Volunteers of America.
Events Chairman Jill Litton reported that our group played 333 rounds of golf in 2019. That’s a lot of participation. We had seven required events this year as well as Team Matches. If you missed a required event but played in Team Matches, you were still considered a 100% participant. Those that managed this feat were: Jill Litton, Mary Gallagher, Kathleen McCoy, Gayle Gansfuss, Cathy Buckley, Hui Bordelon, Kyong Lee, Daneita Adams, Brenda Graves, and Donna Ihle. Congratulations ladies!
Other awards were based on participants’ best five scores:
Low Gross: Mary Lynn Stuart – 80.4
Second Low Gross: Debbie Magee - 90
Low Net: Brenda Graves – 70.6
2nd Low Net: Jill Litton – 71.2
3rd Low Net: Hui Bordelon – 73.4
3rd Low Net: Kyong Lee – 73.4
Low Putts: Mon Airhart – 31.75
2nd Low Putts: Debbie Magee - 32
Most Improved: Daneita Adams (from 22.6 to 16.5)
2020 President Moise Allen addressed the issue of the new World Handicap System, thanked everyone for being a part of the SWGA, and adjourned the meeting.