The First place winning team of Shirley Pettitt (BWGA), Betty Netherton (BWGA) and Joyce Middleton (ERCC) shot a really great 67. This was the only team with only three players, so they rotated the fourth shot. Congratulations ladies!
The second place team shot 70 and the next three places shot 71, with final results determined by scorecard playoffs. See the slideshow presentation for all the winners.
The next....and final....event of the season is the Jingle Bell Scramble that will be held at Northwood Golf Club on December 3rd, at 10:00am. The Jingle Bell Scramble is a joint effort sponsored by the SWGA and SSWGA combined. Please contact your club rep is you plan to attend and bring an unwrapped toy for the Toys for Tots program. See you there!